Global Health Press

Tag - disease

Virus is opportunity to protect public

Virus is opportunity to protect public

Few will forget the sense of global concern when, in 2003, a mysterious virus killed nearly 800 people. The SARS virus – a type of coronavirus that originated in rural China but spread to 37 countries – was...

Malaria vaccine stops working after 4 years

Malaria vaccine stops working after 4 years

A new vaccine that has raised hopes of becoming a potent new tool in the battle against malaria seems to stop working in children after four years, according to research published recently. The vaccine candidate –...

World TB Day

World TB Day

March 24 marked World TB Day, commemorating the date in 1882 when the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was announced. World TB Day serves to raise awareness about TB issues and to support worldwide TB control...

Why teens may be behind on vaccinations

Why teens may be behind on vaccinations

A new survey finds even though vaccines for certain teenage illnesses are available and are found to be safe, many parents aren’t having their teens inoculated. The question is why? Researchers looked at parent...