Global Health Press

Tag - polio

Polio eradication: reason to believe

Polio has disappeared from most of the world, yet it still paralyzes children in parts of just four countries. The Global Polio Initiative has a new strategy to finally eradicate polio everywhere. They have the tools...

How we’ll stop polio for good

Polio is almost completely eradicated, but as Bruce Aylward says: “Almost isn’t good enough with a disease this terrifying.” Aylward lays out a plan to continue the scientific miracle that ended polio...

We Can Be Polio Free

Thanks to the expanding delivery of childhood vaccines around the world by organizations like GAVI, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rotary International we are exceptionally close to eradicating polio. We...

The polio endgame

The polio endgame

In 1988, a year when an estimated 350,000 or more children were paralyzed by polio, the World Health Assembly initiated a global effort to eradicate the infection once and for all.

Poliomyelitis in Chad

Poliomyelitis in Chad

Chad is experiencing outbreaks of both wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1 – 65 cases in 2011) and wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3 – three cases) reports the World Health Organization (WHO). The WPV3 outbreak has been...

Vaccines save lives

In this animation the life saving power of vaccinations are simply yet powerfully described by Bill Gates.
Source: Gates Foundation