Global Health Press

Tag - Tuberculosis

TB vaccine may help prevent multiple sclerosis

TB vaccine may help prevent multiple sclerosis

A vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis in other parts of the world may help prevent multiple sclerosis (MS) in people who show the beginning signs of the disease, according to a new study published in the December 4...

World TB Day

World TB Day

March 24 marked World TB Day, commemorating the date in 1882 when the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was announced. World TB Day serves to raise awareness about TB issues and to support worldwide TB control...

Kiwi researchers close to TB breakthrough

Kiwi researchers close to TB breakthrough

New Zealand researchers are inching closer to creating a world-first oral tuberculosis vaccine. TB kills more people worldwide than any other bacterial disease – latest estimates show about 1.4 million people died...

Alaskan doctors battling high TB rates

Alaskan doctors battling high TB rates

Health officials in Alaska hope to use a new set of tools to identify and treat tuberculosis. Alaska currently has the highest rate of TB in the United States, more than double the national average. Often times, cases...