Global Health Press

Tag - disease

Viruses act like self-packing suitcases

Viruses act like self-packing suitcases

Researchers at the University of Leeds have identified a crucial stage in the lifecycle of simple viruses like polio and the common cold that could open a new front in the war on viral disease. The team are the first to...

Discovery opens way for designing TB shots

Discovery opens way for designing TB shots

Specialised immune cells, discovered by Australian researchers, could become instrumental in designing an anti-tuberculosis (TB) vaccine, says a study. The joint study by the Australian universities of Melbourne and...

Kiwi researchers close to TB breakthrough

Kiwi researchers close to TB breakthrough

New Zealand researchers are inching closer to creating a world-first oral tuberculosis vaccine. TB kills more people worldwide than any other bacterial disease – latest estimates show about 1.4 million people died...

Protecting with immunisation

Protecting with immunisation

Countries in Southeast Asia are going through unprecedented economic growth despite global economic uncertainties. To be able to maintain this upward trend countries need to secure the health of their citizens _...