Global Health Press

Tag - immunization

The final battle against polio?

The final battle against polio?

There’s no one place a virus goes to die — but that doesn’t make its demise any less a public health victory. Throughout human history, viral diseases have had their way with us, and for just as long, we have hunted...

Designer bacteria may lead to better vaccines

Designer bacteria may lead to better vaccines

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a menu of 61 new strains of genetically engineered bacteria that may improve the efficacy of vaccines for diseases such as flu, pertussis, cholera and HPV...

Researchers track the origins of HIV virus

Researchers track the origins of HIV virus

A new study suggests that HIV may have affected humans much longer than is currently believed. In fact, the virus might have been around undetected for so many centuries that a human community developed some degree of...