Global Health Press

Tag - rabies

Rabies in Iloilo, The Philippines

Despite the goal of becoming rabies free by 2022, 12 deaths due to rabies were reported in 2021 in the province of Iloilo, The Philippines, a 3-fold increase from 2020. Five of the 6 towns/cities from where the cases...

World Rabies Day – 28 September

World Rabies Day – 28 September

The mission of World Rabies Day – 28 September – is to raise awareness about the impact of human and animal rabies, how easy it is to prevent it, and how to eliminate the main global sources.

Bat hibernation keeps rabies going

Bat hibernation keeps rabies going

When winter arrives and insects are in short supply, most North American bats hibernate. But this long sleep also keeps the rabies virus alive in infected individuals, according to a new study.