Global Health Press

Tag - research

Live vaccines more effective against Salmonella

Live vaccines more effective against Salmonella

Researchers at Cambridge University have effectively ‘barcoded’ the bacteria so that they can see where in the body they go and how they fare against the immune system. Vaccines against Salmonella that use a live, but...

Why there’s no Ebola vaccine, yet?

Why there’s no Ebola vaccine, yet?

Search for vaccine is often a very expensive business. There has to be a large ready market for pharmaceutical companies to invest their private capital. So, the question is, are drug companies interested in something...

Gut microbes affect flu vaccine effectiveness

Gut microbes affect flu vaccine effectiveness

Researchers have discovered that the composition of the microorganisms in the gut affect effectivity of the seasonal flu vaccine. This potentially means that your gut bacteria affect how effective the vaccine will be...

Will the Ebola virus go airborne?

Will the Ebola virus go airborne?

Experts say the possibility remains remote. Could Ebola go airborne? That’s the fear set off last week by a New York Times op-ed entitled “What We’re Afraid to Say about Ebola” from Michael Osterholm, director of the...