Global Health Press

Tag - research

Can a usable H7N9 vaccine be made?

Can a usable H7N9 vaccine be made?

Can a usable vaccine against the H7N9 bird flu virus be made? Studies that are about to start should offer clues soon, says the director of the U.S. government program spearheading the work. Four flu vaccine...

Cure for SARS virus comes closer to reality

Cure for SARS virus comes closer to reality

Researchers have uncovered components of the SARS coronavirus that allow it to take over host cells in order to multiply, paving way for development of therapies for the deadly virus. The virus triggered a major...

MERS virus found in Saudi Arabian bat

MERS virus found in Saudi Arabian bat

Scientists have found the mysterious MERS virus in a bat in Saudi Arabia. An international research team said the bat virus is an exact match to the first known human case of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The...

Newly created Malaria vaccine is 100% effective

Newly created Malaria vaccine is 100% effective

Scientists have finally created a Malaria vaccine that is 100 percent effective, sources confirmed. According to the researchers, this vaccine will help prevent fatal diseases and other complications that may be brought...

Common virus associated with colon cancer

Common virus associated with colon cancer

A virus that is found up more than 90 per cent of the population has turned up in colon cancer samples. The JC virus (John Cunningham virus) is widespread, affecting nearly the entire human population from childhood...