Global Health Press

Tag - tb

TB vaccine may help prevent multiple sclerosis

TB vaccine may help prevent multiple sclerosis

A vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis in other parts of the world may help prevent multiple sclerosis (MS) in people who show the beginning signs of the disease, according to a new study published in the December 4...

Australian researchers to develop new TB vaccine

Australian researchers to develop new TB vaccine

Australian researchers are set to launch a study to develop a new Tuberculosis vaccine that will boost immunity in children and protect them from allergies. Over 1,400 children are expected to be part of this research...

World TB Day

World TB Day

March 24 marked World TB Day, commemorating the date in 1882 when the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was announced. World TB Day serves to raise awareness about TB issues and to support worldwide TB control...

Discovery opens way for designing TB shots

Discovery opens way for designing TB shots

Specialised immune cells, discovered by Australian researchers, could become instrumental in designing an anti-tuberculosis (TB) vaccine, says a study. The joint study by the Australian universities of Melbourne and...