Global Health Press

Tag - virus

Ebola virus spreading rapidly in West Africa

Ebola virus spreading rapidly in West Africa

We are fortunate to live in a world where many ills and diseases from the past no longer pose a threat to the health of society throughout the world. Unfortunately, the Ebola virus still haunts parts of the globe...

Dengue could soon be history

Dengue could soon be history

In a breakthrough, scientists have identified a new drug target for the deadly dengue virus, paving way for potential vaccines for the world’s most widespread mosquito-borne disease reports PTI. Using an experimental...

Ebola has no cure or vaccine

Ebola has no cure or vaccine

The first two cases of Ebola have been confirmed in Liberia, after spreading from neighbouring Guinea, where the deadly virus has killed 78 people. The two Liberian cases are sisters, one of whom had recently returned...

Dengue virus becomes more dangerous

Dengue virus becomes more dangerous

The dengue virus has adapted. No longer does the virus breed only in freshwater bodies. Recent samples have shown it multiplying even in sewage puddles abundant across Karachi. In the two-room dengue surveillance cell...