Global Health Press

Tag - virus

Virus is opportunity to protect public

Virus is opportunity to protect public

Few will forget the sense of global concern when, in 2003, a mysterious virus killed nearly 800 people. The SARS virus – a type of coronavirus that originated in rural China but spread to 37 countries – was...

Malaria vaccine stops working after 4 years

Malaria vaccine stops working after 4 years

A new vaccine that has raised hopes of becoming a potent new tool in the battle against malaria seems to stop working in children after four years, according to research published recently. The vaccine candidate –...

Global alert over deadly bat virus

Global alert over deadly bat virus

Experts on infectious diseases warn people to stay away from bats worldwide after the recent death of an eight-year-old boy bitten in Australia. The boy last month became the third person in the country to die of...