Global Health Press

Tag - zika

Path to Zika vaccine strewn with hurdles

Path to Zika vaccine strewn with hurdles

The world is once again asking scientists and drugmakers to come up rapidly with a vaccine for a viral disease that, in the latest case, few people had heard of until a few weeks ago, and even fewer feared. Making a...

The race is on to develop a Zika vaccine

The race is on to develop a Zika vaccine

Drugmakers globally are racing to produce a vaccine for Zika, the mosquito-borne virus that has been linked to severe birth defects. The World Health Organization has warned the disease is spreading explosively through...

Zika virus

Zika virus

The rapid spread of Zika virus through the Americas, together with the association of infection with microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, have propelled this previously ignored virus into the limelight. What is...

Zika virus may be transmitted through sex

Zika virus may be transmitted through sex

A virologist at the Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany, has suggested that Zika virus infection is the only vector-borne disease that may be transmitted by sexual intercourse. The first...

Zika virus spreads to more countries

Zika virus spreads to more countries

In quickly evolving developments, more countries in the Americas reported Zika virus cases, as Brazil—one of the hardest hit countries—reported more microcephaly cases, which health officials suspect might be related to...