Global Health Press

Tag - health

Link shown between Crohn’s disease and virus

Link shown between Crohn’s disease and virus

A new study reveals that all children with Crohn’s disease that were examined had a commonly occurring virus – an enterovirus – in their intestines. This link has previously not been shown for this chronic inflammatory...

MERS: Who owns medical research?

MERS: Who owns medical research?

As the virus threatens to go global, we look at the dispute over patents that is slowing down the search for a vaccine. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, is a virus that has already killed more than three...

Guillain-Barre risk unlikely after vaccination

Guillain-Barre risk unlikely after vaccination

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) does not appear to be a risk following administration of several common vaccines, including seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccines, researchers found. Over a 13-year period...