Global Health Press

Tag - polio

Polio virus is ‘enemy of humankind’

Polio virus is ‘enemy of humankind’

Sixty years after the first successful polio vaccine trial, the disease has been wiped out in much of the world, but violence, conspiracy theories and lack of cash keep it from disappearing. “The world is closer than...

The final battle against polio?

The final battle against polio?

There’s no one place a virus goes to die — but that doesn’t make its demise any less a public health victory. Throughout human history, viral diseases have had their way with us, and for just as long, we have hunted...

The last stand

The last stand

Pakistan’s failure to eradicate the polio virus may have some serious implications – ones that go far beyond the medical. The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has...

Polio’s last stand

Polio’s last stand

A hard-fought battle against the polio virus may be approaching its endgame. Last week, health officials laid out plans to eradicate the virus from its last redoubts, but warned that the effort may founder owing to a...