Global Health Press

Tag - research

Putting an end to infectious diseases

Putting an end to infectious diseases

Infectious diseases remain a major concern, with the government calling on all stakeholders to do their part in taking preventive measures and investing in tackling the problem. While getting adventurous with food has...

Working towards a one shot life-long flu vaccine

Working towards a one shot life-long flu vaccine

An extraordinary breakthrough in influenza research moves us closer to the development of a vaccine that can protect against all new influenza viruses, with the potential of developing a one-off universal flu shot. The...

Study: Infectious diseases can make you dumber

Study: Infectious diseases can make you dumber

Troubling new research suggests infections can impair your cognitive ability, as measured by IQ tests. The Danish study, published in the Public Library of Science journal PLOS ONE, is the largest of its kind to show a...