Global Health Press

Tag - research

New vaccine developed

New vaccine developed

Chinese researchers have developed the world’s first ever vaccine against a strain of enterovirus that can cause hand, foot and mouth disease, a condition commonly affecting small children that can lead to deadly...

Public Health Enemy No. 1: Ourselves

Public Health Enemy No. 1: Ourselves

While infectious diseases like AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis should remain high on their hit lists, global health leaders are now having to focus more on altering lifestyles than containing outbreaks, the assistant U.S...

SARS-like virus vaccine unlikely, experts say

SARS-like virus vaccine unlikely, experts say

A virus similar to SARS has spread through hospitals in Europe and the Middle East, prompting fears of human-to-human transmission. But health officials said vaccines were unlikely to play a role in controlling the...

Discovery may one day lead to herpes vaccine

Discovery may one day lead to herpes vaccine

Understanding specialized cells could be key to preventing genital herpes, researchers say A specialized kind of immune cell that patrols the skin of people infected with the herpes virus appears to prevent the outbreak...