Global Health Press

Tag - WHO

Malaria vaccine ready in 2015, says WHO

Malaria vaccine ready in 2015, says WHO

From the World Health Organisation (WHO) came cheering news at the weekend that finally a vaccine for malaria may just be three years away. The WHO said at the weekend that malaria vaccine trials are on-going on 11...

MERS: Who owns medical research?

MERS: Who owns medical research?

As the virus threatens to go global, we look at the dispute over patents that is slowing down the search for a vaccine. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, is a virus that has already killed more than three...

India ‘polio free’ despite death

India ‘polio free’ despite death

The death of a 10-month-old baby in Maharashtra state’s Latur District on Saturday blemishes India’s record in fighting polio but won’t impact the country’s march toward being certified polio-free. On Jan. 13, India...

New virus ‘deadlier than Sars’

New virus ‘deadlier than Sars’

A mysterious new respiratory virus that originated in the Middle East spreads easily between people and appears more deadly than Sars, doctors have reported after investigating the biggest outbreak in Saudi Arabia. More...

Tokyo urged to aid disease eradication battle

Tokyo urged to aid disease eradication battle

The world may be on the verge of a historic breakthrough in the quest to eradicate infectious diseases once thought incurable, and Japan needs to be a key player, said Mark Dybul, an executive of the Global Fund to...