Global Health Press

Tag - flu

Drug halts flu virus spread

Drug halts flu virus spread

In an effort to combat drug-resistant flu virus strains, researchers have developed a new class of drug that prevents the virus from spreading between cells. When the flu virus infects a cell, it binds to the cell and...

A flu vaccine that protects you for life?

A flu vaccine that protects you for life?

As children, we get a number of vaccines that last for years. Why not our annual flu vaccines? Right now, a new flu vaccine is created every year because the proteins on the virus that our immune system can recognize...

No risks seen with flu shot in early pregnancy

No risks seen with flu shot in early pregnancy

Adding to evidence that the flu shot is safe for pregnant women, a new study finds no link between the vaccine and the risk of serious birth defects. The study of nearly 9,000 pregnant women who got the flu shot found...