Global Health Press

Tag - malaria

Newly created Malaria vaccine is 100% effective

Newly created Malaria vaccine is 100% effective

Scientists have finally created a Malaria vaccine that is 100 percent effective, sources confirmed. According to the researchers, this vaccine will help prevent fatal diseases and other complications that may be brought...

Malaria vaccine found safe and protective

Malaria vaccine found safe and protective

A team of researchers found an investigational malaria vaccine has to be safe, to generate an immune system response, and to offer protection against malaria infection in healthy adults. Malaria is transmitted to humans...

Malaria vaccine ready in 2015, says WHO

Malaria vaccine ready in 2015, says WHO

From the World Health Organisation (WHO) came cheering news at the weekend that finally a vaccine for malaria may just be three years away. The WHO said at the weekend that malaria vaccine trials are on-going on 11...

Malaria vaccine just a step closer to reality

Malaria vaccine just a step closer to reality

Researchers have developed a vaccine using blood-stage malaria parasites, which were attenuated with a chemical agent that keeps the parasite from multiplying. Research has focused on the development of a vaccine to...

New vaccine can cut malaria risk by 70%

New vaccine can cut malaria risk by 70%

A team of researchers led by a Japanese professor has developed a vaccine that cuts the risk of malaria in humans by some 70 percent, according to a recent article published in the U.S. journal PLOS One. If the vaccine...