Global Health Press

Tag - research

The link between imperfect vaccines and disease

The link between imperfect vaccines and disease

New mathematical models explore why some vaccines are more effective than others. A new mathematical model that tests the effectiveness of different vaccine types could help explain why certain diseases are still...

New research suggests MERS epidemic unlikely

New research suggests MERS epidemic unlikely

Researchers recently concluded new studies on Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and determined that it is unlikely that MERS will become an epidemic. The team analyzed clinical-outcome reports from...

NIH: Ebola vaccine prompts immune response

NIH: Ebola vaccine prompts immune response

The Ebola virus spreads through direct contact with the blood or secretions of an infected person. The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the largest Ebola outbreak in history. As of early December, more than 17,000...