Global Health Press

Tag - RNA

Catch a virus by its tail

Study uncovers key mechanism that allows some of the world’s deadliest viruses to replicate Viruses are masterful invaders. They cannibalize host cells by injecting their genetic material, often making thousands...

Complex molecular structure in Zika virus

Researchers, led by scientists at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, have found basic molecular processes used by the Zika virus to “hijack” the cells that it infects and potentially how it makes molecules...

Engineers design programmable RNA vaccines

Engineers design programmable RNA vaccines

Tests in mice show the vaccines work against Ebola, influenza, and a common parasite. MIT engineers have developed a new type of easily customizable vaccine that can be manufactured in one week, allowing it to be...

Innate virus-killing power discovered in mammals

Innate virus-killing power discovered in mammals

Scientists have a promising new approach to combating deadly human viruses thanks to an educated hunch by University of California, Riverside microbiology professor Shou-Wei Ding, and his 20 years of research on plants...