Global Health Press

Tag - vaccine

Robot may help fight malaria

Robot may help fight malaria

Most people kill a mosquito with a violent swat of the hand, but Yaroslav Tenzer is much more methodical — and tender. He needs the tiny pest’s body intact so he can harvest its salivary glands. Mosquito saliva is the...

Mers vaccine helps mice fight off deadly virus

Mers vaccine helps mice fight off deadly virus

Today, there is no real treatment or vaccine that can tackle Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers), a virus that was first detected in 2012 and has already affected 339 people in Saudi Arabia, killing 102. It’s...

WHO hits back at vaccine deniers

WHO hits back at vaccine deniers

The World Health Organisation hit back on Wednesday against vaccine deniers who claim that immunisation is pointless, risky and that the body is better off fighting disease unaided. “The impact of vaccines on...