Global Health Press

Tag - vaccine

Clues to curing Aids could live in antibodies

Clues to curing Aids could live in antibodies

The discovery of how a Kwazulu-Natal woman’s body responded to her HIV infection by making potent antibodies may hold the clue to an HIV vaccine or cure for Aids. In a study that was published in the scientific...

Virus that caused flu pandemic dominates again

Virus that caused flu pandemic dominates again

Young adults, beware. The swine flu responsible for the pandemic five years ago is once again the dominant strain in North America. This doesn’t mean we are in the midst of another swine flu pandemic, but it does...

New vaccine design holds potential

New vaccine design holds potential

Research out of the University of Michigan and Purdue University has found an important aspect of how both the dengue virus and West Nile virus replicate in their host cells. The scientists believe this will lead to a...

Diseases resurface with decline in vaccinations

Diseases resurface with decline in vaccinations

Despite the continuing technological and scientific advances in medicine, old disease threats are starting to resurface as public health problems. Some argue that we are rapidly approaching a “post-antibiotic” era due...

New vaccine design holds potential

New vaccine design holds potential

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have invented a new method for designing artificial proteins, and have used it to make key ingredients for a candidate vaccine against a dangerous virus, respiratory...