Global Health Press

Tag - infection

New weapon in fight against ‘superbugs’

New weapon in fight against ‘superbugs’

Some harmful bacteria are increasingly resistant to treatment with antibiotics. A discovery might be able to help the antibiotics treat the disease. A soil sample from a national park in eastern Canada has produced a...

Study points out areas at risk for H7N9 virus

Study points out areas at risk for H7N9 virus

The H7N9 bird flu virus, which has caused severe illness and deaths in China, may inhabit only a fraction of its potential range and could possibly spread to India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines...

MERS of concern before haj – WHO

MERS of concern before haj – WHO

The deadly MERS virus remains a serious public health problem, especially with the approach of haj pilgrimages, but a recent surge in Saudi cases of the respiratory disease appears to be abating, the World Health...

How do we die? Death trends in the U.S.

How do we die? Death trends in the U.S.

A 2012 article detailing how Americans have died over the years is gaining new attention after being reworked by a computer scientist. In the last 200 years, the biggest difference in how Americans die is the enormous...