Global Health Press

Tag - infection

Gut bacteria play key role in vaccination

Gut bacteria play key role in vaccination

The bacteria that live in the human gut may play an important role in immune response to vaccines and infection by wild-type enteric organisms, according to two recent studies resulting from a collaborative effort...

The next new virus

The next new virus

A new flu, H7N9, has killed 36 people since it was first found in China two months ago. A new virus from the SARS family has killed 22 people since it was found on the Arabian Peninsula last summer. In past years, this...

AIDS epidemic: Is an end possible?

AIDS epidemic: Is an end possible?

More than 30 years after the discovery of the AIDS virus, experts are optimistic that a cure for the disease will be found, and that an end to the AIDS epidemic is possible. But they caution there is still a lot of work...

New vaccine can cut malaria risk by 70%

New vaccine can cut malaria risk by 70%

A team of researchers led by a Japanese professor has developed a vaccine that cuts the risk of malaria in humans by some 70 percent, according to a recent article published in the U.S. journal PLOS One. If the vaccine...

Virus ‘a threat to entire world’

Virus ‘a threat to entire world’

The new Sars-like respiratory illness, which has killed more than half of the people who have been infected with it, is a “threat to the entire world”, theWorld Health Organisation (WHO) has warned. Experts...

New vaccine developed

New vaccine developed

Chinese researchers have developed the world’s first ever vaccine against a strain of enterovirus that can cause hand, foot and mouth disease, a condition commonly affecting small children that can lead to deadly...